Pilates Client Spotlight Etajha


Our client spotlight this week is Etajha. Nominated by our Instructor Annie here is what she had to say about what an amazing client she is. Etajha is a dedicated and super strong client. She brings a calming and authentic energy to each class. Her form is always incredible and inspiring. She pushes herself which inspires others including me. I know if she is in my class my day is going to be a good one! Im so thankful for beautiful women like Etajha who make this world a better place.

Here are some fun facts we asked Etajha: 

  1. How has Pilates impacted your life?

    I grew up playing soccer competitively on one of the best soccer clubs in the U.S Sometimes I forget, but I used to actually be pretty good! Playing 4 years at a D1 university, you can imagine my body has taken a beating over the years. Trying to find a workout that was intense but low impact was a challenge. I’ve tried countless workouts and studios but my best friend who I played soccer with recommended Pilates, I immediately knew I found a workout that I would love to continue to do and would never get bored of (2ish years and continuing!) Yay Pilates. 

  2. Guilty Pleasure?

    Sugary cereal and pop tarts! 

  3. First Celebrity Crush?

    Paul Walker  

  4. What is your proudest moment?

    Hard to pick just one but I was incredibly proud of myself when I along with the guidance of my supervisor, turned my masters dissertation into a published academic article. A true labor of love for a semester and a half!  

  5. Snap your fingers where would you be?

    Bora Bora or England (My husband is a brit. Love the hometown visits and we have not been able to make a trip over the pond since COVID!) 

  6. If you could transport anywhere in the universe where would it be?

    The Wizarding World! Major Hairy Potter fan over here 

  7. If you had a superpower what would it be?

    The ability to teleport or fly  

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