Pilates Classes For Men In Las Vegas

Pictured is Ben Stott @benstottpilates Pilates Instructor for Frame and at Google in London UK

Pictured is Ben Stott @benstottpilates Pilates Instructor for Frame and at Google in London UK

Due to a large waive of female instructors as well as participants, there tends to be a misconception that Pilates is for woman… this couldn’t be further from the truth! and in this blog post we explore the reasons “WHY” pilates for superb for men.

Pilates not only strengthens your body, but it builds lean muscle, strengthens the core and lower back, increases range of motion in all of the joints, improves spinal mobility and flexibility, and helps realign ones posture. The integrative component of Pilates can be especially beneficial for men, whose workouts often emphasize a part-by-part approach to muscular development, such as occurs in weightlifting.

Pictured is Ben Stott @benstottpilates Pilates Instructor for Frame and at Google in London UK

Pictured is Ben Stott @benstottpilates Pilates Instructor for Frame and at Google in London UK

Over the years, we’ve seen a huge influx of professional athletes partake in Pilates and have praised the method for all its benefits. Baseball, basketball and soccer players around the world have actively and vocally shared their love for Pilates and expressed its benefits in their profession. Tiger Woods has credited Pilates with aiding his own performance, delivering speed, strength and stability through his core – a crucial factor in the smooth rotation of a golfer’s swing.

5 Reasons Why Men Should Consider Doing Pilates:

  • Did you know Pilates was created by a man…

More specifically, his name was Joseph Pilates. Pilates began developing the techniques and exercises that would later take his name more than 70 years ago. He was committed to developing a discipline for both sexes

  • Pilates is a total body workout

Many gym classes and exercise regimes focus on particular muscle groups and can neglect other, smaller groups. A core principle of Pilates is that the whole body requires conditioning and balancing.

  • Pilates builds core strength

Pilates exercises increase the strength of core muscles. A strong core improves stability and reduces pressure on the back and spine. For many practitioners it is considered the best way of getting that desired washboard set of abs. Core strength, flexibility, balance, uniform development, and efficient movement patterns are all highly relevant to men's fitness.

  • Pilates creates improved flexibility

Pilates aids the stretching and elongation of the muscles. This improves elasticity and mobility of joints, increasing range of motion. If you’re entering the twilight of your sporting career or just exercising to stay in shape through your later years, Pilates is ideal for keeping creaking joints and tight muscles at bay. Increased flexibility is one of the many benefits that Pilates offers, which is most appealing to men as they tend to steer clear from stretching before/after weightlifting and cross-training, leading to stiffness being of main concern. Men tend to see a difference in their flexibility in as little as 2-3 sessions. Every session will take you a little closer to reaching the floor with your finger tips, not something most men ever dream of being able to do!

  • Pilates is a great stress buster

Nobody likes stress yet modern life seems to be full of it. Pilates focuses on concentration, control and centring – a process which many find aksimilar to meditation and gives them a greater understanding and feeling of oneness with their bodies. Emphasis is also placed on breathing, which can help with relaxation and calmness after a tough day in the office.

Think of Pilates as the workout that not only makes you strong but keeps you actively aging for years and years to come. Whether male or female, who wouldn’t want this!?

In The Pictures:

Pictured is Ben Stott a qualified and started teaching Pilates in 2018 following a 10 year career as an actor in the West End, London and across the UK. He predominantly teaches Mat and Reformer in London at the studios Power Pilates UK, Frame and at Google.

Follow him on Instagram: @benstottpilates

Nicole Haveland