Mat & Reformer Poses for All Levels

We all start Pilates as beginners and over the course of weeks, months and years we gradually work our way up to a Pilates novice.

Today we are taking you through a list of beginner Pilates exercises that can be done on the mat or the Reformer that will build strength, mobility, and flexibility. These Pilates exercises while simple in their movement will build strength quickly allowing you to move to more intermediate exercises in the coming weeks.

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The Roll Up:

This is a beginner level exercise that works on developing Core strength and mobility of your spine and one of our favorite exercises to give everyone who comes for a workout. To perform this exercise simply lay flat onto your spine, flexed feet, and arms overhead on the floor. Take a deep inhale and on the exhale begin to roll the spine up one vertebra at a time, maintaining your hands at shoulder level, keep your sits bones planted as you scoop out the abdominals, and stretch the arms forward past the toes. Inhale to restack the spine and then exhale to rolls the spine back onto the mat one vertebra at a time.

The roll up will increase your core strength, pelvic stability, spinal mobility, and help you warm up the body before you start your Pilates class.

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The Hundred:

This one is a real burner but also is a great way to warm up the body and get blood circulating before your session. There are quite a few ways to modify this exercise but our favorite way is to keep the legs at tabletop. Place the hands down at your side near your hips about 1 inch above the floor, the head and chest lifted into a crunch. Begin to pump the hands up and down as you take a sniffing breath for 5 inhales and then 5 exhales. Repeat 10x to reach 100 breaths. Expect to really feel your abdominals on this one but make sure to also be using the muscles in your back. Pilates is always about using the entire body in each exercise.

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Footwork on the Reformer:

This is the best exercise to learn great alignment of the lower half of the body, pelvic stability, and to increase strength in all the major muscle groups in your legs. Another great thing about Pilates footwork is it is done lying on your back so it's great for Pilates beginners and perfect for those with injuries.

Assisted lunges on the Reformer using a Pilates Ball for knee support. Another great way to create strength and balance is lunges on the Pilates Reformer. Simply place a small Pilates ball under the knee as you lunge keep the knee on the ball throughout the exercise and allow the ball to guide your knee with the reformer bed. We utilize this Pilates lunge with our beginner clients and those with any kind of knee injury. It safely keeps the pressure out of the knee joint and allows you to recruit the correct muscle groups.

Here is a list of some of our other favorite beginner level Pilates exercises


  • Rolling like ball

  • Bridging

  • Side lying leg series

  • Roll over

  • Single leg circles

  • Single straight leg stretch

  • Double straight leg stretch

  • Bicycle


  • Supine Arms

  • Feet in straps

  • Roll downs

  • Coordination

  • Short Spine

  • Sliders

We hope these Pilates tips help you progress along your journey to becoming a Pilates novice!