Pilates Client Spotlight Ashley

We wanted to showcase the amazing clients who walk through our doors each and every day. They inspire our entire team to continue to show up and give these clients the best Pilates workouts for their bodies and their minds in every Pilates class they take.

Here is our Henderson Pilates client “Ashley” we asked her a series of questions and every time we read these answers we all cry and laugh with how lucky we got to have these people coming through our studios!

1. It has been about 2 years since I started practicing Pilates and what a transformation it has been! 9 and 6 years ago, I was blessed with 2 healthy baby boys who were slightly over 10pounds each. The two pregnancies left me with a large cesarean scar across my lower abdomen not to mention a big ab separation (diastasis recti) that was four finger width (now it’s less then 2 fingers, thanks to you) and multiple joints and back pain. After years of being in pain, I finally figured out that all my trouble started from not having enough muscle to support my joints. That’s when I found Pilates, and it has been such a great experience. I took one class and knew this is exactly what I needed to get stronger and become pain free. It is gentle, yet rigorous. It is not draining, instead uplifting. It takes a lot of focus, so your mind is getting the work as well as your body. It teaches you so much about your body. I am definitely more aware of my body than I was before so I can work out a problem before it manifests into something worse. It is so enlightening as well as humbling. As my body got stronger, I became happier and more confident and so did my family. You know where I’m going with this Pilates ROCKS period. 

2. Online shopping… lol currently I am super hooked on poshmark 

3. Joey Mcintyre!!!! Those eyes 

4. I came to the U.S to learn English. Then I extended my stay to go to college for hotel management. During my college years, I would drive down desert inn toward the srip to get to school. Every time, I could see the Wynn was being built… and every time I would think, when I graduate I am going to work there. Then I graduated, I didn’t get the job there right away… but less then a year later I did. It was the proudest moment of my life. 

If I were keeping this pilates themed I would have to say, when I sort of held my first teaser without any help was the biggest moment. I had no abs when I started Pilates, I couldn’t 

really feel my lower abdomen at all. I still have a lot harder time doing ab workouts, but I know someday I will get there. 

5. In Mexico 2 years ago…my husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary at this incredible Mexican restaurant at Valentine Riviera maya. Ah, the feels!!! I would love to back to the dinner when the 2 mariachis sang their guitar duet rendition of Besame Mucho. I wish I could record that song properly so I can go back to that moment again and again. 

6. Indonesia where my parents work as Christian Missionaries 

7. Teleportation

Nicole Haveland